The Poet and the Poem
2018-19 Series
Featured Arielle Saiber
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Professor of Romance Languages & Literatures, Bowdoin College (Ph.D., Italian Literature, Yale U.), Saiber publishes on medieval and early modern Italian literature, mathematics, print history, and advice manuals; experimental electronic music; and science fiction. Her books include Giordano Bruno and the Geometry of Language (Routledge, 2005) and Measured Words: Computation and Writing in Renaissance Italy (Toronto, 2017); and the co-edited anthology Images of Quattrocento Florence: Writings on Literature, History and Art (Yale, 2000). Arielle Saiber has served on the executive councils of the Dante Society of America, the Modern Language Association, and the Society for Literature, Science and the Arts. She won Yale?s Field Prize for the best work of poetry, literature, or religion” at Yale in 1999 for her dissertation on Bruno, the Karofsky Prize for teaching at Bowdoin (2004), and for Measured Words, the MLA?s Scaglione Prize (2016), the Newberry Library?s Weiss-Brown Award, and The Bridge Award for Measured Words (2017).