The Poet and the Poem
2020-21 Series
Featured Yao Hoke Glover III
Click here for Yao Hoke Glover III.mp3
Yao(Hoke S. Glover III) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies at Bowie State University. His poetry has been published in Ploughshares, African-American Review, Rattle, and other journals and anthologies. His first book, Inheritance, was published by Willow Books in Summer of 2016. For fifteen years he ran and operated Karibu Books, one of the nation's largest African American book stores. He also writes non-fiction and his essay "Hospital for the Negro Insane" was a finalist in the Crab Orchard John Guyon Non-Fiction Literary Prize in 2015, and his essay the "Fifty Four" on African American book stores and book culture was a finalist in the Missouri Review Jeffrey E. Smith's Editor's Prize in 2018. Much of his current work focuses on reading "yin' in African American culture.