The Poet and the Poem
2022-23 Series

Featured Merrill Leffler
Click here for Merrill Leffler podcast.mp3
Merrill Leffler has published three collections of poetry, Partly Pandemonium, Partly Love; Take Hold; and Mark the Music. The publisher of Dryad Press, which has been publishing literary books since 1975, he has also guest edited issues of a number of literary magazines, including Poet Lore, Shirim, and Beltway. One of the founders of The Writer's Center (Bethesda), Leffler taught literature at the University of Maryland and the US Naval Academy until the early 1980s and for more than 20 years was a science writer for the University of Maryland Sea Grant Program, which focuses on issues related to the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. He lives with his wife Ann Slayton in Takoma Park, Maryland, where he served as Poet Laureate, 2011-2018.