The Poet and the Poem
2018-19 Series
Featured Nin Andrews
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Nin Andrews’ poems, essays, and stories have appeared in many literary journals and anthologies including Ploughshares, The Paris Review, Agni, Best American Poetry (1997, 2001, 2003, 2013), The Best American Erotic Poems from 1800, The Best American Prose Poems, No Boundaries, Sudden Stories: A Mammoth Anthology of Miniscule Fiction, The House of Your Dreams: An International Collection of Prose Poems, Seriously Funny, Nothing to Declare: A Guide to the Flash Sequence, and the 2018 Norton anthology, New Microfiction. The recipient of two individual artist grant from the Ohio Arts Council, the Pearl Chapbook Award, the Kent State University Chapbook Prize, the Gerald Cable Poetry Award and the 2016 Ohioana Poetry Award, she is the author of seven chapbooks and seven full-length poetry collections. She is the two grown children, and she lives on a farm in Charlottesville, Virginia with her husband, Jim, and their Boston terrier, Froda..